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ADFWGA ongoing supporters and sponsors

Elite Minis

Elite Minis

A new sponsor of the ADFWGA - Elite miniatures is run by an Ex Army member and focuses on historical and modern miniatures. Elite miniatures has also be very generous in their prize support to ADFWGA events.

Australian Army

Australian Army

The Australian Army have been ongoing supporters of the ADFWGA and its efforts for Soldier On. It is with their permission that we are able to host such great events for a good cause.

The Combat Company

The Combat Company

A founding supporter - TCC and their team have been ongoing supporters of the ADFWGA and all our efforts. The team at TCC will also be helping by allowing the ADFWGA to host events in their Fantasy Factory all in the name of Soldier On.

3rd Brigade - Australian Army

3rd Brigade - Australian Army

The Army's 3rd Brigade located in Townsville Australia have been ongoing supporters of the ADFWGA since its ratification in 2011. A yearly event is held at Lavarack Barracks.

Privateer Press

Privateer Press

Privateer Press the makers of Warmachine and Hordes are getting right behind the ADFWGA and its mission to roll dice, have fun and raise money for charity. Privateer Press have been very generous in sponsoring HEROCON 2015.

WW40k Australia

WW40k Australia

A games group founded by our Vice Chairman and his wife in 2009. The ADFWGA events are hosted and organised by WW40k and their team to help a combined effort to support our mates at Soldier On. They also run a YOU Tube channel full of gaming content and ADFWGA event coverage.

Jolt Games

Jolt Games

A new comer to the Canberra Gaming scene. Jolt Games has hit the ground running as a brick and mortar store with a difference. These guys have been instrumental in aiding the ADFWGA get off the ground in the ACT.

Warlord Games

Warlord Games

Warlord Games is responsible for ADFWGA favourites such as Bolt Action and Beyond the gates of Antares. Warlord Games has provided free prize support for ADFWGA events aiding in our fundraising for Soldier On.



Are a custom case manufacturer specialising in miniatures and game systems. KR has given the ADFWGA ongoing discounted and free prize support to help our fundraising efforts for Soldier On.



A fresh new insight into the world of Warhammer 3000 brought to you by our mates and fellow TTH bloggers Tim and Michael from Brisbane. These guys are long time supporters of the ADFWGA and attend as many of our events as possible.

Corvus Belli

Corvus Belli

Corvus Belli the makers of the awesome sci-fi game Infinity are helping the ADFWGA meets its objectives to have fun, roll dice and raise money for charity by getting behind HEROCON 2015.

AK Interactive

AK Interactive

AK Interactive has been very generous through their Australian rep in helping the ADFWGA with sponsorship to meet its aims. AK are the makers of some fantastic hobby products to bring your models to life.

Wargames Acrylics

Wargames Acrylics

A local Brisbane Wargaming Templates and Gadgets maker. Wargames Acrylics made its debut into the market with some awesome custom ADFWGA template to aid us in conducting fundraising for Soldier On.

Townsville Boardgamers

Townsville Boardgamers

A Townsville (QLD) Community that get's together to play Modern Board and Card games. Townsville Boardgamers are great supporters of the ADFWGA and its mission to roll dice have fun and raise money for charity.



The team at Alpha Hobbies is new to the ADFWGA but will be giving their all to help the 2015 Anzac Cup get off the ground with equipment support. These guys run many events through out the year.

Age of Darkness

Age of Darkness

A blog run by our very good mate Nate - formally of Battlestation Ipswich. These guys have supported us for many years.

Tactical Area of Responsibility

Tactical Area of Responsibility

Tactical Area of Responsibility (TAOR) Australia is a new business here in Oz who are right behind the ADFWGA's mission to help Soldier On. TAOR produces Neoprene tabletop gaming mats for you to fight over. Money from each sale gets donated through the ADFWGA to charity.



Our mates from Rockhampton providing Infinity subject matter experts and helping us to raise funds for Soldier On at their events.

Campaign Books and Game Logistics

Campaign Books and Game Logistics

CBGL is a stalwart supporter of the ADFWGA and is a small Queensland Family owned business specialising in French Indian War, Dark Ages & Crusades and World War 2.



Secret Weapon Miniatures produces high quality resin, brass, scenic and weathering products for scale model hobbyists and tabletop wargamers. These guys have kept our events going with much resin goodness donated to help our fundraising efforts here at the ADFWGA.

Plastic Soldier Company

Plastic Soldier Company

PSC is a new but welcome ADFWGA supporter. The Plastic Soldier Company designs and manufactures plastic WW2 figures and vehicles in a range of scales to support the table top war gamer and Diorama modeler.

Irresistible Force

Irresistible Force

IF have rallied to the call and are now proud supporters of the ADFWGA and our charity efforts. Irresistible Force Miniature Games and Hobbies is an Australian owned hobby store run by avid gamers passionate about their hobby.

Micro Arts Studio

Micro Arts Studio

MAS are a group of lads from Poland who have decided to aid our efforts all the way here is Australia. MAS is one of the fastest evolving groups of manufacturers producing resin goodies for all your needs.

Wartime Miniatures

Wartime Miniatures

Specilising in 20mm metal moderns. Wartime Minis is a proud supporter of the ADFWGA and a proud local Australian business.

© 2014-2024 ADFWGA

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